
👋 Hello!

Hello and welcome to the Ethereum Name Service DAO Newsletter!

New editions are published on the 1st and 15th of every month.

This newsletter is available on the ENS DAO Governance Forum and Substack.

We encourage any feedback, questions, or comments!

📰 Newsletter Updates


Note: The social votes for all three working group budgets were passed, and will now be combined into a single executable proposal vote on Tally. This on-chain vote is the final step required to allocate funding for the budget requests, if passed.

Drafts (Pre-vote)

For details on the ENS DAO proposal process see our Governance Docs.


🗓 ENS Calendar

For the most up-to-date schedule of events, refer to the ENS Calendar. Any other sources are not guaranteed to be accurate.



🌐 Around the Web

  • ONE37pm recently sat down with Khori Whittaker, Executive Director of ENS Labs, for an interview about the past, present and future of ENS. Khori sees ENS expanding into an “every day, everyone” name service. Read the full article here.

  • Nick Johnson, Founder and Lead Developer of ENS, joined BanklessDAO to talk about the history and unique features of ENS. Listen the recording here.

  • Dom Perri, Product Designer at ENS Labs, shared a thread on Twitter discussing some of the work that went into designing the icons for the upcoming V3 ENS app and Thorin Design System. Read the full thread here.


💬 Twitter Spaces

Three ENS Twitter spaces were held in the second half of January.

  • The first ENS Office Hours was held on January 19th and featured discussion about the upcoming Name Wrapper with @Serenae, Developer Experience at ENS Labs. Notes from the space can be found on the forum.

  • The following week, ENS Office Hours was held on January 26th and featured @Slobo.eth to discuss nftychat. Notes from the space can be found on the forum.

  • The ENS DAO Twitter also held a space on January 19th to discuss the proposal [EP3.3] Sell ETH for USDC, which has since been put on Tally for an on-chain vote. Notes from the space can be found on the forum.

🔔 Follow and turn on notifications for the ENS and ENS DAO Twitter accounts so you don't miss any upcoming spaces!


📰 Working Group News

ENS DAO Working Group Meetings (Q1/Q2 2023):


The Meta-Governance working group hosted three meetings since our last edition:


The current main focus of the Meta-Governance working group discussion is on two important proposals: Sell ETH into USDC and Endowment Initiation.

Endowment Initiation (Karpatkey)

[quote="karpatkey, post:1, topic:15952"] This proposal aims to initiate the Endowment by requesting the ENS DAO to transfer 10,766 ETH to a newly created SAFE provided by Karpatkey and owned by the DAO.

This transfer represents the first installment of a series of three equal monthly transfers until the Endowment reaches its full funding goal. [/quote]

For the latest on the endowment conversation, check out the discussion on the ENS DAO Forum.

Sell ETH into USDC

[quote="James, post:1, topic:15906"] This proposal executes a swap of 10,000 ETH into USDC, to ensure ENS DAO has enough to cover operating expenses for 18 - 24 months. [/quote]

The on-chain vote for this proposal is currently active on Tally.

Note: Karpatkey is focused on managing the endowment fund (long-term) while the ETH sale provides a two-year runway for DAO operations (short-term). While these proposals have some similarities, they are separate discussions with different considerations, and will not affect one another.


The Ecosystem working group hosted two meetings since our last edition:


ENS Ecosystem Project Highlights

  • SetAvatar - A one screen application to help you set your PFP/avatar for your ENS domain, hosted on IPFS.

  • eth.id - A site that allows users to create a single eth.id identity across their three main modes of communication - ENS name, email address, and web page.

  • ENS Widget - An open source widget that allows any react website to implement and register ENS names in a few flexible ways. It also allows tracking of who registered a name using your widget.

  • Relay.cc - Relay is a platform for connecting an ENS name with projects and company card on the site. The team is working on an OpenAI feature (currently in alpha) that allows users to chat with a bot trained on a project’s documentation.

  • Org3 - Org3 is an ENS subdomain based organization management tool. It provides visualization of the current subdomains of a parent name. It also has a file sharing system.

  • ENS Doc - ENS Doc allows you to upload and share your file in a safe way. To use it, choose a file to upload and enter the ENS address you would like to share the file with. The site uploads the file to IPFS and creates a randomized file link to download the file that only the specified address will have access to.

If you have a project that you would like to present during an ENS Ecosystem weekly call, please contact any of the Ecosystem stewards: slobo.eth (lead steward), Limes, and Yambo.


Upcoming Events

ETH Denver We are looking at two potential places to hold a side event during ETH Denver. We are planning to have an event with around 100 people on the invite list, to get together and chat about ENS. The location is not yet finalized. We are looking to host the event on March 2nd. More information will be announced soon.

ENS Merch Store We will be doing a small run of hats and shirts for IRL events, which will be available in the merch store as well at ensmerchshop.xyz.


The Public Goods working group hosted two meetings since our last edition:


Budget Discussion

@Coltron.eth has provided a summary of how funding was used last term. See the full report here: Spending Summary - Working Groups Term 2, 2022.


Public Goods Small Grants - January 2023

The first Public Goods Smalls Grants round of the year has come to a close, and the top five voted projects will receive 1 ETH each!

This round, we excluded approximately 2/3 of the submissions. A full review of this was posted by coltron.eth, here.

Last updated